23 October 2005 - The shows listed in the previous entry now have comments up on my site. Also I have pics for those two new pins I got, on the Compilations/Miscellaneous subsection of the Live Recordings section. Unfortunately, the AV02 version of 26/11/83 did not solve the wavery sound which seems endemic to that recording--but it does sound better than my other version, and is without the DJ interludes. Of the other shows, I am happiest to have the one from Melbourne. No other trades on the horizon at the moment, but we'll see what happens as the holiday season rolls around... 4 October 2005 - I have just received the following shows in a trade: 7/4/78 Cleveland I also have some new Genesis pins which I may be able to get pictures of and put on the site. When I'm able to listen to these new shows, I'll get comments up. Until then... 10 September 2005 - Remember me, the owner and administrator of this site? Well, taking care of babies is a full time job, but I have finally snatched a few moments to put up comments for the Fort Worth '76 show--turned out it had a small error on it which I have repaired with fairly nice results. I also have two Rush bootlegs which I will probably be able to put up on my "others" page some time this weekend. FYI, I should also receive two more of those Genesis badges from Peter Wood, which I will try to get good pictures of to put on my site. Until we meet again... 14 August 2005 - OK, I put up an entry for the newest Coaster Factory show, a remaster of Reno '84 which is quite nice. I have also gotten myself a cool Genesis badge which is at the bottom of my Compilations/Misc. page as a piece of memorabilia--contact Peter Wood to get your own badge (and see Simon's mention of the things on his main page as well). I have received a nice R.E.M. show which I will put up as soon as I find time to figure out what all of the song names are. The Fort Worth '76 remaster will arrive soon. 29 July 2005 - Somehow or other, I have managed to write up some comments on my two new Genesis DVDs (see previous post), and also update my Musical Box review in the Goodies section to include some memories of the show I saw them perform in June of this year. I have also removed (hopefully) all the sentences on my site about not being able to copy DVDs. I am already involved in some trades where I will have to copy more DVDs, so hopefully I'm right about this. I have a couple of trades, but they will mostly be getting me non-Genesis stuff, except a BURP remaster of the Fort Worth show from 1976. 20 July 2005 - I received both DVDs I was talking about last time, the Lamb one and the Shepperton (from 16 mm reels). The Shepperton is jaw-droppingly good compared to my previous versions. I still haven't found time to watch the full video for either, nor (obviously) have I had time to write up reviews. However, it appears I have discovered how to successfully copy DVDs, so I guess I'll have to change some of the stuff I say on my site about that. Also I still want to write something about TMB based on the last concert I saw. Have patience, gentle readers; I will get to all this when I can. 6 July 2005 - I saw TMB in Atlantic City--another great Lamb gig. Perhaps I will have more to say about it in the distant future; an update of my current TMB writings would be in order. Meanwhile, on the way to me are two video items which should be quite nice to see. One is a very impressive remaster of the famous Shepperton footage, based on a very low-gen source which was rescued from e-bay by a loyal band of Genesis fans. The other is a patched-together Lamb video which I will be able to describe better when it arrives. Hopefully I will be able to view both of them, as I did not pay much attention to video formats when making my requests...FYI, neither of these acquisitions were through trading, simply out of the goodness of other people's hearts. Yes, there are good people out there. I'm not sure about Santa Claus, but there are good people. Most of them like Genesis. 25 June 2005 - Boy, it's been a long time. I have been working out how to be a daddy and going back to work and such. However, things have been happening. There is a new Coaster Factory release in the works, for which I did the artwork, and it's on my Goodies page. Also this very night I am going to see the Musical Box do their re-creation of the Lamb show in Atlantic City--this is, I believe, the last gig of their 30th anniversary tour. 30th anniversary of the Lamb being played by Genesis, that is, not them. Also I am hereby moving my link to my Musical Box review to my Goodies page instead of my main page, because it really doesn't need to be on the main page. Also as you may notice I have removed my "not trading" messages. I am tentatively back in the trading field, but don't expect me to be as quick at getting things done as I have been in the past--it's amazingly hard to do stuff during the week, what with the baby and all. All for now... 15 April 2005 - An Apology: On my "Sources" page, I like to list lots of the people who I've traded with in the past who were good traders. One of the names I listed was Kevin Behrndt, but I said that he seemed to have "dropped off the face of the earth" and was "no longer a good source." By this I probably meant that I could no longer contact him via email and that therefore I assumed he was no longer actively trading. However, it has been brought to my attention that, no matter what I may have meant, he is not out of the trading game and is a perfectly good and active trader. Therefore I have removed my misdirected comments and would just like to say that I was out of line. If you'd like to contact him for a Genesis trade, here is his email. 23 March 2005 - Well, I thought I wouldn't be updating this until after I was a daddy, but it turns out I got myself another show which I wasn't really expecting to receive, but which is now on my site: Digital Lambs in Dortmund - 7/4/75, a Digital Brothers remaster. Picked up as a weed, I have so far only managed to send it to one person, so if you'd like a copy, email me and if you're one of the first two to reply you'll get a copy. 10 March 2005 - A quick update to say that all of my new shows now have comments up on the site. I am caught up on everything except making inserts for my shows and finding space somewhere in my house to store them all (!!). This could be all from me for a while... 9 March 2005 - Hello! So I put comments for a few more shows up on the site (see 28 Feb for an idea of the shows I'm talking about). Things that I haven't put up yet, but plan to put up soon: Demos Down on Broadway Other than that, please see my announcement above... 28 February 2005 - Comments for 25/10/81, 3/6/78, 30/3/98 and the Pink Floyd 4-disc set are now up on my live shows pages. Today I received 17/5/87 and 18/2/98. I still haven't gotten a chance to watch the Duke DVD, but I am getting through the Rarest Live tapes and will do some research to find dating information for those so I can put some comments up. Meanwhile, another new trade will hopefully bring me the following shows: Demos Down on Broadway (a 2-disc collection of Lamb studio
outtakes that for some reason I never got around to picking up) 22 February 2005 - All of the Gabriel shows listed back in 15 January now have comments up on the site--there was even a bonus Gabriel show with promotional stuff from the Up album. Going up on the site in the near future (as soon as I listen to them--or in some cases, receive, then listen to) will be the following: 25/10/81 Zurich Pink Floyd: Total Eclipse (4 discs of Floyd non album tracks; mostly b-sides to begin with, but eventually it seems to gravitate towards live versions of album songs) 16 February 2005 - OK, all of the Genesis shows listed in the posts of 15 and 31 January now have comments up on my live recordings pages. All, that is, except 17/5/87, which as it turns out was so full of sound errors that I just put it back on my wish list. I am nearly to the end of listening to the Gabriel shows, and hopefully will have comments on those soon. Also in the near future I'll be receiving the following Genesis shows: 25/10/81 Zurich 9 February 2005 - Well, I've finally gotten a chance to put up some comments for a small amount of the new shows I've received lately (namely the first six Genesis shows listed on the 15 January post). Also I have received all shows listed in my posts of 31 and 15 January. I'll get comments up when I can, first on the Genesis shows, then on the Gabriel shows, then the Floyd stuff. Until then... 31 January 2005 - It seems like it's been even longer, but it has been half a month since my last post. I have been listening to those Genesis shows. The Peter Gabriel shows are in the mail but have not yet arrived. Also I have these which in the case of the first item on the list have arrived already and in the case of the rest are on the way to me: A collection of CAS radio interviews and gigs from early
in the tour, including one acoustic set which has never seen the light
of day before! Some of the Genesis shows from 15 January will need some re-tracking, and one may need a re-send due to skips on one of the discs, but I hope to get comments up for them this coming weekend. Also, I don't know if I should even be telling you this, but I now have a new computer (iMac G5, thank you very much) with a DVD burner. This technically means I should be able to burn copies of my DVDs--I bought blank DVD+Rs and everything--but I don't seem to have the right software for doing it yet. Anyone who would like to suggest some cheap (or preferably free) software for copying DVDs on the Mac can feel free to contact me. If you lead me right, I'll burn you some DVDs! 15 January 2005 - Here is my first post of the new year. For the new year I have two new trades, one of which has diminished my wish list a fair amount. Here's what I'll be getting: Genesis: Peter Gabriel: |